LIFFE — The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange. A derivatives exchange and a recognised investment exchange in the UK. The Financial Services Authority regulates LIFFE. It was taken over by Euronext in 2001. See also Euronext and … Law dictionary
LIFFE — LIFFE, Abkürzung für London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange [ lʌndən ɪntə næʃnl faɪ nænʃl fjuːtʃəz ænd ɔpʃnz ɪks tʃeɪndʒ, englisch], Börse zur Abwicklung von Termingeschäften mit Finanzprodukten, Londoner Börse … Universal-Lexikon
Liffe — the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange an organization for buying and selling business ↑shares … Dictionary of contemporary English
LIFFE — ( London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange) A leading market for trading options and futures on euro money market derivatives. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange. A… … Financial and business terms
LIFFE — Abk. für London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange; erste europäische Börse für ⇡ Financial Futures, die 1982 gegründet wurde. Mit der Fusion von LIFFE und London Traded Option Market (LTOM) 1992 entstand die zu dieser Zeit… … Lexikon der Economics
LIFFE — NYSE Euronext, Inc Unternehmensform Incorporated Gründung 4. April 2007 (22. September 2000 als Euronext) … Deutsch Wikipedia
LIFFE — London International Financial Futures and options Exchange Le London International Financial Futures and options Exchange (abrégé en LIFFE) est le marché à terme britannique, dont le principal produit est la série de contrats futures sur l… … Wikipédia en Français
Liffe — London International Financial Futures and options Exchange Le London International Financial Futures and options Exchange (abrégé en LIFFE) est le marché à terme britannique, dont le principal produit est la série de contrats futures sur l… … Wikipédia en Français
Liffe — Recorded as Ayliff, Ayliffe, Ayloff, Eliffe, Life, Liffe, Liffey, Lyfe, Lyffe, and possibly others, this is an English surname, which although sometimes recorded in Ireland, has no connection with the famous River Liffey. It has two possible… … Surnames reference
LIFFE — Eng. L.I.F.F.E. Euronext Sigla di London International Financial Futures Exchange chiamato anche euronext. Il liffe o euronext è il mercato londinese dei futures, ovvero il più importante mercato europeo sul quale viene trattata questa… … Glossario di economia e finanza
LIFFE market feed — ( LMF2) An integrated data feed which provides direct access to LIFFE s real time price data. It contains a comprehensive range of data on all LIFFE products; including quotes, trades, volumes, closing/settlement prices, contract details,… … Financial and business terms